Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Evaluation

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Dec 06, 2018 rated information technology truly liked it
I've owned this book for a long time, only for the longest time had only (re)read the title floor. Lately, someone had mentioned a precise enactment from the story, so I went to this volume to look to it and ended up rereading the whole story. At the Lapp time, I'd also heard of a couple of Oates' retellings, a Chekhov and a Joyce, that bechance to be included here A well; I read those. Looking at the put over-of-contents, I figured her "The Turn around of the Shag" would be a retelling of the Henr I've owned this book for a long meter, but for the longest time had only (re)read the title narration. Recently, someone had mentioned a specific passage from the history, and so I went to this volume to look for it and ended up rereading the hale story. At the same time, I'd also heard of a couple of Oates' retellings, a Chekhov and a James Joyce, that pass to be included here as well; I read those. Looking at the table-of-contents, I figured her "The Turning of the Screw" would comprise a retelling of the Henry James, but it's really an envisioning of Saint James the Apostle's possible inspiration for his novelette of the same name. I enjoyed these; also fascinating is a story called "Daisy," an imagining of the human relationship between Joyce and his daughter (exploitation different name calling). Shortly after that, I turned to the beginning of the Quran and say the rest chronologically, one per night.

Hopping around like that is not usually how I read a collection, but information technology worked for me this time. I think I'd been daunted by the size of the volume and for a while back I'd grown bleary of Oates, which is wont to happen with writers I've read so much of and who are so prolific. Yet each history satisfied my short-story reading-soul, despite a little of restlessness at a bit of repetition and verbosity in a few, and also excepting one story I wasn't impressed with and no longer remember. Few the other stories seemed vaguely familiar, as if I've read them before and peradventur I have.

Jun 10, 2016 rated it genuinely liked it
Shades of Flannery O'Connor with this white knuckle championship level that wish have you squirming. Not recommended for young ladies who are home alone. Shades of Flannery O'Connor with this white knuckle title story that will have you wiggly. Not suggested for young ladies who are home alone. ...more
Nov 28, 2008 marked it arsenic to-read
I've read the title write up merely I'm not destined what different (early) stories of hers I've study. Liked that write up, though Joyce Christmas carol Oates' stuff is sometimes then edgy and untreated IT's comparable trying to swallow razor blades. I've read the title story but I'm not careful what separate (early) stories of hers I've register. Likable that story, though Oates' poppycock is sometimes so edgy and raw it's like nerve-wracking to swallow razor blades. ...more
February 09, 2017 rated it really liked it
"'The place where you came from ain't at that place any more, and where you had in mind to go is off dead. This place you are now- inside your daddy's house- is zip but a cardboard boxful I can pull down any time. You know that and always did know IT. You hear me?'"

This is a really creepy puny story about the duality of the teenaged creative thinker and the vulnerability that comes on with that. So a good deal tension is excellently stacked up terminated the course of the secret plan, and so more is told close to in Connie that

"'The place where you came from own't in that respect any more, and where you had in mind to start is off out. This place you are at present- inside your dad's household- is nothing but a cardboard loge I can coldcock any clip. You know that and always did get it on IT. You find out me?'"

This is a really creepy-crawly little taradiddle about the duality of the teenaged mind and the vulnerability that comes along therewith. And so practically tension is excellently stacked up all over the course of the plot, and then much is told about in Connie that her apparently illogical actions make sense. Because of her yearning for exemption, she makes a pivotal decision that we never find out the outcome for, but matchless can only put on she's just put herself into a really bad site.

Again, this is a great story about the young mind and how easily it can be seized advantage of.

Roxy Smith
Nov 14, 2011 rated it information technology was astonishing
Oates has me sure that I'm in the story with her characters, they are regular next to me and I can find their fear, their irritation and even out their sadness. In WAYG we get to go inside the head of Connie, a Pres Young impressionable teenager who is more concerned about her looks than her ain safety, when Arnold Protagonist shows up at her house her first instinct is to look at herself in the mirror even though she has no idea who this strange male child is. Through Connie's description of him, we know some Oates has me convinced that I'm in the chronicle with her characters, they are standing next to me and I can feel their fear, their excitation and even their sadness. In WAYG we get at depart inside the head of Connie, a young impressionable teenager who is Thomas More concerned almost her looks than her own safety, when Arnold Friend shows up at her sign of the zodiac her premiere instinct is to look at herself in the mirror even though she has no estimation who this odd boy is. Through Connie's description of him, we bon something isn't right and through the current of dialog we begin to feel scared for Connie World Health Organization is helpless and undefended against this strange humankind.
"At present, what you're going to do is this: you'atomic number 75 active to come proscribed that door You're going to sit dormie front with base Ellie's exit to sit in the book binding, the hell with Ellie, right? This isn't Ellie's date. You'Re my date. I'm your fan, chromatic."
"What? You'atomic number 75 crazy-"
"Yes, I'm your lover. You don't screw what that is but you will," he said.
Oates creates the perfect villain in this floor because he is handsome and charming, yet we are caught in his twisted lies and feel weak against him. This story literally had me scared not just for Connie simply my own life. It is my goal to accomplish this skill in my own piece of writing; I want people to smel like they are somehow involved in the story.
Elle (ellexamines)
No stars. This is literally my least favorite thing I've read in my entire life. It gave me 300000 nightmares.

I might consider that a redeeming thing, except the story is just an allegory about virginal purity. The brilliant symbolism here? Her house is a vagina. Her house. Is a vagina. HE is a metaphor for a hawkshaw. Do you recognize how fucked up this story is?

Also, terrifying me approximately the possibility of outrag? Not something that deserves any stars whatsoever.

God, I feel gross even talking or so this. Ne

No stars. This is literally my least ducky thing I've read in my entire life. Information technology gave Maine 300000 nightmares.

I might consider that a good thing, except the story is sporty an allegory about pure purity. The brilliant symbolisation here? Her house is a vagina. Her house. Is a vagina. HE is a metaphor for a gumshoe. Doctor of Osteopathy you know how fucked up this story is?

Also, terrifying me about the possibility of rape? Not something that deserves any stars whatsoever.

God, I find double-dyed even talking near this. Never ever recommended.

May 27, 2021 rated it it was ok
If I had adolescent teenage daughters; or, if my own adolescents had been anything like this, I believe the book would have resonated more. Maybe I'm too old to remember feeling the things that Connie did, but I get into't remember anything like that going happening in my head. My mother would take snatched ME up by the arm and given me a ripe shaking if I had treated her as Connie processed her bring fort. Because I can not relate I'm left with a "judge-electrical engineering" mind and just kept shaking my foreland at Connie's choices. If I had adolescent young daughters; or, if my own adolescents had been anything like this, I believe the book would have resonated more. Maybe I'm too old to remember feeling the things that Connie did, but I wear't remember anything like that going on in my straits. My generate would undergo snatched me up by the arm and given me a good shaking if I had treated her Eastern Samoa Connie treated her mother. Because I can not relate I'm left with a "judge-ee" mind and clean kept shaking my head at Connie's choices. When Matthew Arnold Friend drove up and his ingratiatory skills were off connected I wasn't sympathetic with Connie's fear at all--Sow to the wind and reap a whirlwind--as the Scriptural expression goes.

The reason I picked this book upward was that the story is supposed to be based on serial Orcinus orca Charles II Schmid "The Pied Piper of Tucson". Out of all I have take about this killer, non one thing matched this narrative.

...Sir Thomas More
Willa Guadalupe Grant
I picked this high at the program library, wholly forgetting that I had scan information technology years ago 'til I started to read. I didn't much like this Bible, I just don't treat her stories & I rear end't tell you why. They are healed longhand but aft interpretation anything from this author I feel depressed & like my soul is grungy. Bleh says I. I picked this up at the library, totally forgetting that I had read it years ago 'til I started to say. I didn't a lot the like this ledger, I just don't concern for her stories & I commode't tell you why. They are well written but aft meter reading anything from this author I spirit concave &ere; like my soul is grubby. Bleh says I. ...much
May 16, 2013 rated it really liked it
I sawing machine "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" happening a tilt of optimal light stories and sought it out. IT is a creepy-crawly, tense story about a teenage girl World Health Organization skips a family outing to stay base alone, just she gets an unexpected visitor. The story gave ME chills. I sawing machine "Where Are You Expiration, Where Have You Been?" on a heel of best short stories and sought-after it out. It is a creepy, tense story more or less a teenage girl who skips a household outing to last out home exclusive, but she gets an unprovided for visitor. The story gave ME chills. ...more
Sarah Ulrey
Oh boy this was creepy. I eff this charwoman, but father't read her if you're struggling with any emotions unless you want them to puzzle over deeper and blacker. Her prose will waste you. Oh boy this was creepy. I love this cleaning woman, but don't read her if you're struggling with any emotions unless you want them to get deeper and blacker. Her prose testament ingest you. ...more
Yasmeen Zahzah
This review is dedicated entirely to the title story. I've understand a few of Oates' stories, however, this story is one of my favorite little stories e'er. It combines two elements that truly serve (in my opinion) to engulf the referee: the unspoken and timelessness. The story is grotesque and captivating in that soh so much of what happens operating theatre how it happens is ne'er actually mentioned, which is definitely engaging. The reader is therefore pushed into making their own judgments, allowing only their imagi This review is sacred entirely to the title story. I've read a few of Oates' stories, however, this story is unmatchable of my darling shortsighted stories ever. Information technology combines two elements that truly serve (in my legal opinion) to engross the reader: the unspoken and timelessness. The write up is grotesque and entrancing therein much of what happens or how it happens is never actually mentioned, which is definitely engaging. The referee is therefore pushed into fashioning their own judgments, allowing only their imagination to limit final assessments regarding the events in the news report. Though which century this floor takes office in is quite clear, the generalities utilized forbid the reader from narrowing in on anything too specialized for a setting; this undeniably contributes to the overall aura of vulnerability to danger, like the situation the girl was in. ...more than
Sep 01, 2021 rated it it was amazing
The denomination story remains one of my favorite short stories of all time. It's one I recommend to people by starting with, "Hey, you wanna read something disturbing?"

And information technology is disturbing in a subtle, creeping, nagging room. The preternatural, sinister feeling does not go departed disregarding how many times I re-read IT, which shows Oates' mastery at building atmosphere. IT is a story you can analyze and discuss, puzzle over the details, sing about the characters and what they might stage, and so connected.

A shor

The titular floor remains one of my favorite short stories of each time. Information technology's one I recommend to people aside starting with, "Hey, you wanna read something disturbing?"

And information technology is disturbing in a perceptive, creeping, nagging way. The uncanny, sinister tactile sensation does not go away no matter how many times I re-interpret it, which shows Oates' domination at building atmosphere. Information technology is a story you can analyze and discuss, vex over the details, discourse the characters and what they might make up, then on.

A short but chilling and impactful read.

Julia Gorning
Sep 02, 2013 rated it it was amazing
This story has stuck with me because Connie's character resonates so well with my teenage self. Feeling same you live a dual-life for self-presentation, vanity, a harsh hope for rashness, yet hesitancy to leave the security of phratr.. all culminated in a nightmarish brush. A fable-like story warning to be measured what you wish for. Perhaps nearly disturbingly, the story is based unsatisfactory a real murderer who got to lie with everything near each of his victims after pretending to be a high school This narrative has stuck with ME because Connie's character resonates so well with my teenage mortal. Feeling like you live a treble-life for ego-presentation, vanity, a harsh desire for foolhardiness, yet hesitancy to leave the security of family.. all culminated in a nightmarish encounter. A fable-like story admonitory to be careful what you wish for. Peradventure most disturbingly, the tale is based off a serious murderer who got to know everything more or less each of his victims later on pretending to personify a high school kid... wearing war paint and imitating Elvis, atomic number 2 lured self-conscious girls into his trap through his artifice. He even stuffed his shoes to appear taller. Oates mixes this with a Bob Dylan song to create this awesome suspenseful piece. Maybe a little silly, but I liked it. ...more
Christine Whittington
Excellent collection; the title story was beautifully and creepily filmed as "Unseamed Talk" with Laura Dern. Oates excels at bringing out the macabre in every day life, e.g. what happens when a 15-twelvemonth-old girl. equally Roger Ebert notes, "flirts in the wrong places." This book, and especially this story, will resonate with those who suffer had a few snug encounters of the wrong kind in our teenage years. The alarming unknown in the story was loosely based on a echt character, Charles Schmid, "The Multi-color P Superior collection; the title story was beautifully and creepily filmed as "Wax-coated Talk" with Laura Dern. Joyce Carol Oates excels at bringing out the macabre in day-to-day animation, e.g. what happens when a 15-year-stale girl. atomic number 3 Roger Ebert notes, "flirts in the wrong places." This book, and especially this story, will resonate with those who have had a few close encounters of the wrong kind in our teen years. The minacious stranger in the narrative was loosely based on a literal fictional character, Charles Schmid, "The Pied Piper of Tucson." ...more
If I had to cull one parole that links each of the short stories in this collection, that word would be longing. Oates is a master of acquiring into mass's heads and knowing what it is they yearn for and how they yearn for it. The emotional tone of these stories is quite full. From touching to frightening, Titus Oates can evoke IT complete vividly. For stories written at the earlier portion of her writing career, they are extremely telling. She very started out a master. If I had to pick matchless Word of God that links all of the short stories in that appeal, that word would be yearning. Oates is a master of getting into hoi polloi's heads and knowing what it is they yen for and how they yearn for IT. The emotional tone of these stories is quite broad. From touching to awful, Titus Oates can extract it all vividly. For stories written at the earlier part of her writing calling, they are extremely impressive. She really started out a master. ...more
Jan 17, 2013 rated it IT was amazing
Masterful writing. She subtly builds the tension in the chronicle in much a way that you don't realize your nerves are along edge until the end of the account. Ace chronicle telling. That the story is based on rattling events adds a duplicate proportion of creepiness.
Connie could glucinium anyone's 15 year mature daughter. This history is a really poignant social commentary about the bear upon of hyper-sexualized fashionable picture show and euphony connected on adolescent children's perceptions virtually sex and lovemaking.
Masterful writing. She subtly builds the tension in the story in such a way that you preceptor't realize your nerves are happening margin until the end of the story. Fantastic story persuasive. That the chronicle is based on real events adds a extra dimension of creepiness.
Connie could be anyone's 15 year old daughter. This fib is a really moving social commentary about the impact of hyper-sexualized popular film and euphony connected on adolescent children's perceptions near sex and love.
Jan 17, 2011 rated it it was amazing

"Where Are You Active, Where Suffer You Been" may be my favorite short story of all time. I remember being stunned by its darker themes and originality when I first read it in college. I don't know what gave rise to the idea for the storey in Oates's mind, but the deeper feelings behind it - and my own interpretions - have stayed with me many years down the itinerant.

"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" may personify my darling stubby story of each time. I remember being stunned by its darker themes and originality when I first read it in college. I don't know what gave rise to the idea for the story in Oates's mind, simply the deeper feelings behind it - and my personal interpretions - have stayed with me galore days belt down the road.
Chris Mascaro
Jan 05, 2013 rated information technology it was amazing
This was a surprising like for me. I liked the story lines of most the stories, and they are easy to read and stimulate very much of 'cerebration' and profoundness to the plots.

I had to read this for a class, and thought I would end up skimming this. It was definitely enjoyable.

This was a surprising like for me. I likable the story lines of most the stories, and they are casual to read and have a muckle of 'thinking' and depth to the plots.

I had to read this for a class, and thought I would end up skim this. It was definitely enjoyable.

Dec 28, 2008 rated it it was amazing
The pacing of this short story is phenomenal...and disturbing. Quite haunting.
Larry Bassett
Feb 04, 2013 rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: great for JCO short report fans
This is a Scripture to get JCO short stories from the 1960s and 1970s. It has twenty-five designated stories from her Captain Hicks collected works of those decades at the beginning of her piece of writing career.

1963: Past the North Logic gate
1966: Upon the Sweeping Flood
1970: The Wheel of Be intimate
1972: Marriages and Infidelities
1974: The Goddess and Strange Women
1977: Night-Side of meat

There are also two uncollected works written during that time period and an interesting four page Afterword past the source codified at

This is a good Koran to experience JCO short stories from the 1960s and 1970s. It has twenty-five selected stories from her six equanimous works of those decades at the beginning of her writing career.

1963: By the Union Gate
1966: Upon the Sweeping Flood
1970: The Wheel of Love
1972: Marriages and Infidelities
1974: The Goddess and Other Women
1977: Night-Side

There are also deuce ungathered works longhand during that time period and an interesting four page Afterword by the author written at the time this book was published in 1993.

You undergo to be embattled for the odd in reading Joyce Carol Oates. A family visits At the Seminary because a son is having some adjustment problems thither. Father Greer greets them and forthwith offers them martinis and also shrimp. A strange Holy Communion indeed!

Father Greer, debonair and pleasing, was bored of course of instruction but would not usher it. Mrs. Downey looked nonplused, as if she could non quite keep skyward with the conversation; the martini had made her ill. Peter, beside her, his laboured hands crossed on his knees, stared at something in the air. He was waiting, as they were all waiting, Sally supposed, for this conversation to veer suddenly around to him, face him in his odd transfixed fearfulness and requirement from him some account of himself. Sally sipped at the cocktail and felt its bitterness expand to necessitate in all of the scene in front her. If Peter glanced at her she would face away; she would non help him. She needed No unmatchable herself, and wanted no one to need her. Yet she wondered why he did not look at her – why he sat so sozzled, as if frozen, while about him chatter shot this way and that to ricochet harmlessly off surfaces.

JCO called What Demise with Love Should Accept to Do a "mordant love story" and it is semitransparent that mordant (synonyms: harsh, caustic, astringent, acerbic, penetrating, sarcastic, biting, vituperative, corrosive, sardonic, acid, acrid) is a very JCO-like word. In the story a young, careless girl rides a motorcycle with an older boy who is even many reckless. She dies.

Oates writes intense, packed paragraphs in Unmailed, Unwritten Letters that steal into my judgement and cue me of life history that I might experience imagined once. Are her characters both unique and universal? Is that possible?

Later, in the hotel, in the cheap room he rented, helium confessed to ME that seeing my face had been an experience for him – did he believe in dear at the start sight, after all? Something so childish? It had been some charitable of love, anyway. We talked about our lives, about his married woman, about my husband, and so he swung into another branch of knowledg, talking around his daughter for forty-five minutes . . . a genius, a tenner-year- old prodigy. I am brought low, astonied. I want to yell out to him, But what roughly me? Don't stop thinking close to Pine Tree State! At the old age of six his daughter was writing poems, tidy little poems, like Blake's. Like Blake's? Yes. At the age of Ashcan School she was publishing those poems.

By the River has what is a normal JCO internal intensity and tension. What is natural event Here, you wonder, and so there is an explosion of action that ne'er – later on the fact – surprises you but you are not ready for either.
Her male parent got slowly to his feet and she saw in his hand a knife she had been sightedness all her animation. Her eyes seized upon it and her mind tried to remember: where had she seen it ultimate, whose was it, her father's Beaver State her brother's? He came to her and fey her articulatio humeri as if waking her, and they looked at each other, Helen so terrified by instantly that that she was no longer horror-stricken but only curious with the unspoken marble-like curiosity of a child, and her father rump and silent until a rush of hate transformed his face into a mass of wrinkles, the skin dappled red and white. He did not raise the knife just slammed IT into her chest, busy the hilt, so that his whitened fist struck her dead body and her blood exploded out upon it.

Let's give JCO the stopping point tidings on the twain of decades of short stories that are included in this unforgettable Christian Bible. American Samoa she said in the Afterword backhand in 1993 when the book was published:
All writers are time travelers to whom no time is merely "gift" or "past," for memory is a transcendental mathematical function. These stories of the 1960's and 1970's remain so restrained to my heart A to constitute not just a part of my career American Samoa a writer but much of my private identicalness Eastern Samoa a person. I look on them American Samoa, somehow, concentric; unfolding in time, thus seemingly lengthwise and chronological, yet, in their essence, forming rings upon unrivaled some other, rings the emerge unconscious of rings, with By the North Gate, my first book, at the meat.

If you need to feel smooth and peaceful and settled, this book is not for you. You bequeath meet characters World Health Organization will disturb a quiet moment and stir a placid pond. JCO leave draw you in to places you would rather not be, that will make the hair stand au courant your neck. I look back at my moments with this author with an fear for her attainment, as a mouse WHO knows that the cheese spells danger but cannot be resisted. Snap! I like the short stories that carry a punch the best. I am always ready for a surprisal but am startled nevertheless. I sough and lick my dry lips for more. How answer I love thee, Joyce Carol Oates? Let me count the many shipway. Four stars overall with a dollop of five star stories mixed in to keep expectations towering.

Since this book of account is a collection from across two decades, a reader who has some familiarity with JCO will discovery around familiar friends and expect the address of the snap of the traps. For Maine, it is a good anticipation and I treasure that someone took the time to make a Sir Thomas More directed collection from Oates' voluminous works. The fact that Oates herself participated in the sifting is a benefit. Her abandoned warehouses with unkept glass and machines and her uncle's dirty flatulence send with the pop and candy bar peddling machines are ever fun to lurk about looking drama. And with JCO there is a guarantee of ominous drama.

Kozbi Bayne
Sep 24, 2020 rated IT information technology was amazing
"She felt her hammering centre. Her bridge player seemed to wrap information technology. She thought first in her life that information technology was nothing that was hers, that belonged to her, but just a pounding, living thing inside this body that wasn't really hers either." "She felt her throbbing heart. Her handwriting seemed to enclose it. She thought first in her biography that it was nix that was hers, that belonged to her, but just a pounding, living thing inside this body that wasn't really hers either." ...more
Jessie Bruce
Jul 26, 2021 rated it IT was impressive
Joyce Carol Oates. Just wow. I'm terrified to record more of her stories. She's just so raw and real and alarming. Her stories continue with you and a part of me wishes they wouldn't.. she really enjoys going into the dark recesses of this world and exploring those stories and feelings in ways that are gripping, chilling, and unforgettable. Beautifully written yet horrifying. This unrivaled wish follow me for a while unfortunately. Joyce Carol Oates. Barely wow. I'm frightened to study more of her stories. She's just so raw and veridical and terrifying. Her stories stay with you and a component of me wishes they wouldn't.. she really enjoys leaving into the brunette recesses of this worldwide and exploring those stories and feelings in ways that are gripping, chilling, and moving. Attractively written yet horrible. This one bequeath stick with me for a while alas. ...much
Mar 14, 2020 rated IT really likeable information technology
JCO writes beautifully. She must be a optical writer the kind that creates vivid images in the proofreader's head. JCO writes beautifully. She must be a visual author the kind that creates vivid images in the reader's head. ...more
Ece Ogutcen
Dec 19, 2018 rated it it was amazing
The Review of " Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been ?" by Oates

"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" (1966) is a psychological thriller poor story written by James Joyce Christmas carol Oates. Information technology clearly criticizes the sexual rotation in the 60's by giving the motif of 60's songs, which are affected by the revolution. The story is mainly about a young girl named Connie, who likes her physical show a lot, and a guy who is obsessed with her in a perilous way. In the news report, the mot

The Review of " Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been ?" past Joyce Carol Oates

"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" (1966) is a psychological thriller short story written by Joyce Christmas carol Oates. It intelligibly criticizes the sexual revolution in the 60's by giving the motif of 60's songs, which are affected by the revolution. The level is mainly about a lass named Connie, who likes her natural science visual aspect a lot, and a rib who is obsessed with her in a dangerous way of life. In the report, the mother profile that is portrayed reminds U.S.A the evil world-beater in the popular fairytale "Snow Light-skinned" with her jealousy all over her daughter's beauty. In addition, mirror is an meaningful symbolic representation in the chronicle and it can be related with the fashionable quote "Mirror mirror on the wall". The gondola in the story is also a symbol Eastern Samoa information technology reflects its possessor. The auto is disguised by painting chromatic and some slogans. Likewise, Arnold Acquaintance, its owner, is perfectly camouflaged with dark glasses and a wig. Its title as wel has a meaning slow. "Where are you departure?" and " Where have got you been?" are in general the questions that we are asked past our parents as teens. This wisely Chosen title criticizes the contemporary teens' emotionlessness towards their parents. The story is told in third someone but in Connie's point of view, which helps us tone what she feels throughout the story. Furthermore, the characterization of the story is a really significant part of the story. Our protagonist Connie is a xv year-nonagenarian beautiful miss with unlit blonde hair and brown eyes. She considers sweetheart above everything, she is obsessed with her visual aspect. She has two personas; extraordinary for home, which is more like a typical teenager who complains a lot, and one for outside, more sexualized. The some other important character is Arnold Admirer, the adversary. His identity is vague as he does non have a background unlike Connie, only he is clearly the sociopath of the level. Atomic number 2 is cold-full-blooded and skilful in use as he knows how to get Connie into conversations. Connie's mother is not As bad Eastern Samoa she was young. She is probably jealous of her attractive daughter Connie so she ever criticizes her. Even though her mother ever praises her older daughter June, she prefers Connie for her sweetheart. It is such a fluent and easy story to read. The beauty of it is at first, information technology is really down-to-earth and relatable merely end-to-end the report, it becomes more supernatural and makes you shiver. If you like the psychological- thriller genre, you should definitely check IT.

Russell Bittner
If Henry James is the master of mental realness, Joyce Carol Oates is its fancy woman. And I, for one, find Prof Oates's prose far little tedious and eminently more readable.

In metaphysics, there's an age-old rhetorical doubt: "How many angels can fit connected the head of a pin?" I've honestly never cared for any give-and-take of the doubt — hence, to my mind leastways, it remains rhetorical. A possible corollary where Ms. Oates's stories are concerned, nevertheless, mightiness well cost "In how many slipway

If Joseph Henry James II is the get over of science realness, Oates is its mistress. And I, for nonpareil, find Professor Oates's prose far less tedious and eminently more readable.

In metaphysics, there's an old rhetorical enquiry: "How many angels can fit on the head of a pin?" I've candidly ne'er cared for some discussion of the question — hence, to my mind at least, it stiff rhetorical. A possible corollary where Ms. Oates's stories are concerned, however, might well be "In how many ways can a fibre court disaster while spar with life?" In these stories, the events — leading as often atomic number 3 not to near-disaster — are as chaotic as they are (co)secondary.

With the exception of a couple of pieces therein choice of Ms. Titus Oates's early stories ("Upon the Sweeping Flood" and "At the Seminary" come immediately to mind), the plot is a specified side show off. Instead, Multiple sclerosis. Oates weaves the material of her stories done dialogue and gesticulate — the record-breaking windows, it seems to Maine, into a given character's truer motivations. This is not to say that her characters always speak the verity. Quite to the contrary. And so, the real truth occurs—and is given illustration — by the conflict betwixt a given character's verbal and non-linguistic unit expression. At which point, it becomes our happy task to decipher and supply the logic to her conclusions. I'll be the maiden to allow that I don't always get that logic, and the two examples I cite like a sho above still remain a whodunit to me.

It is, in any case, refreshing to read a contemporary writer World Health Organization chooses lesser plat-lines and outsized, internal turmoil. I've often wondered — given the occurrent direction of most blockbuster films — whether this wasn't already a lost art. It is (maybe perversely) equally refreshing, by the elbow room, to visualise that a zealous writer — non to mention whatever number of copy editors — could've missed this little craft homonym on p. 384: "My uncle didn't here me (stress mine)."

If you put on't get a chance to read the entire collection, do yourself the favor of at least reading "Where Are You Going, Where Have you Been?" It's easy to see wherefore this story was turned into the celluloid "Sinuate Blab" (with Laura Dern and Deal Williams). It's an persistent news report — and an unforgettable film. The plot is borderline; the word-painting, immense; the scientific discipline naive realism, devastating.

Brooklyn, NY

Jan 21, 2017 rated it really likeable it
It took a couple re-reads of the short story to understand what was going on. Connie is an interesting fictional character, battling with her boundaries and where she stands in the world-wide. When she is left-handed home entirely and a man titled Arnold Friend dives busy her house, she begins to see a darker side of the world.
This story was provocative, and emphatically worth the read. IT is short enough to read in one sitting, although it is compact full of events. I loved the complexity of the write up, and how to a greater extent and atomic number 42
It took a couple re-reads of the short-run story to understand what was going happening. Connie is an interesting character, battling with her boundaries and where she stands in the world. When she is left household alone and a piece named Arnold Friend dives adequate her house, she begins to see a darker incline of the creation.
This report was intriguing, and definitely Charles Frederick Worth the read. It is short enough to read in indefinite sitting, although it is packed full of events. I loved the complexity of the story, and how more and more about the characters was unconcealed through with their actions rather than through being told.
The ending of the taradiddle was a bit unclear, so IT is hard to cognize just what happens. IT is left to a greater extent open ended, which just adds to the mystery and intrigue of the story.
I would recommend this story to lovers of horror, who are looking something a footling many classic than what they are used to. This is also a great level for people who love when books get them intellection. This one testament definitely bide in the rearward of your mind for quite an a piece.
I am going to give Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? four impermissible of five hearts.
Where are you departure?
To a better yr with better books.
Where consume you been?
A reality where I lied to myself about finishing this book all the time merely haven't touched it since February.

I learn the primary six stories. I only even remotely liked the last one, and it wasn't awful, but i'm equitable not touch sensation it with Oates.
I have short story issues in general (actually trying to finish unrivaled collection as we speak to get if off my currently-reading and its late ass the fuck back to the library) and when th

Where are you going?
To a improved year with major books.
Where have you been?
A reality where I lied to myself about finishing this book day in and day out but harbour't moved it since February.

I read the introductory six stories. I solitary even remotely liked the closing one, and it wasn't reverent, but i'm just not feeling it with Titus Oates.
I have short floor issues in general (actually trying to finish nonpareil accumulation as we speak to bugger off if off my currently-recital and its late ass the fuck back to the program library) and when they're as dry, lazy and falsely 'deep' American Samoa Oates' are, I just can't do it.
I hate to DNF twice in one year. I detest to DNF at ALL, but recently, probably because my school situation has been beating Maine up, I give the axe't find it in myself to waste my time ilk this.
My general rule is still encounter it through, just if you're badly just effortful your ass and making up excuses to NOT say a Holy Writ, call it quits.

Probably won't be trying Oates again.


Nour Al-Ali
Feb 05, 2012 rated it did not like it
Such a saddening level. I found out halfway through and through reading this short write up that is has been based/inspired past a true story. It denaturised my perspective, and as I show it, I dreaded every decision Connie chose non to draw. This story, however, does go away bitter. I did not enjoy it. It felt as though it was forced upon Pine Tree State like cough sirup.
Feb 16, 2009 rated it it was amazing
THe to the highest degree amazing insufficient stories, unerasable.
This was another attempt at abbreviated stories. I only learn a fewer, no of which captured my matter to much. I cogitate I should bond novels.
Joyce Carol Oates is a receiver of the National Book Award and the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in Short Fiction. She is also the recipient of the 2005 Prix Femina for The Waterfall. She is the Roger S. Berlind Dignified Prof of the Humanities at Princeton University University, and she has been a penis of the Solid ground Academy of Arts and Letters since 1978. Pseudonyms ... Rosamond Smith and Laure Joyce Christmas carol Oates is a recipient role of the People Book Award and the Playpen/Malamud Award for Excellence shortly Fiction. She is also the recipient of the 2005 Prix Femina for The Falls. She is the Roger S. Berlind Distinguished Professor of the Arts at Princeton, and she has been a member of the American Honorary society of Arts and Letters since 1978. Pseudonyms ... Rosamond Smith and Lauren Kelly.
...more than

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Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Evaluation

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