Do Downloads Continue When Ps4 is in Rest Mode

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If you're a Playstation gamer, then you've probably heard of Rest Mode. But do you know what it is and what its purpose is?

In this blog post, we'll discuss the basics of Rest Mode – including how to use it and why it's important.

We'll also answer some common questions about Rest Mode, such as whether games download faster in this mode and how long your PlayStation can stay in this mode. So if you're curious about Rest Mode, read on!

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What's the Purpose of Rest Mode?

The purpose of Rest Mode on the PlayStation is two-fold. One, it conserves power when the console is not in use. And two, it allows for quick downloads of content and updates.

When activated, the system will go into a low-power state but still be able to connect to the internet. This means that you can leave a game downloading overnight and it will be ready to play when you wake up in the morning!

The Rest mode will help you pause a game without actually quitting out of it. This can be helpful if you want to save your progress but don't have time to finish the game in one sitting. You do not have to wait for a checkpoint to save your progress; the game will automatically save when you enter Rest Mode.

The Rest mode also allows your PlayStation to charge the controller. This is a great way to conserve battery power, as well as make sure your controller is always ready to go when you are.

The Rest Mode is the same as the 'Sleep' option on your Windows computer, or the 'Hibernate' option on a Mac. It's a low-power state that allows your system to remain running while conserving power.

Once you are ready to resume,you do not have to wait for the system to power on completely. The Rest Mode will wake your PlayStation up from its low-power state and allow you to jump right back into your game!

Do PS4 & PS5 Download Games faster in Rest Mode?

While Sony does not officially validate it, many long time users and expert PlayStation gamers believe that yes, your PS console will download games faster when it is in rest mode.

A PS4 & PS5 download games noticeably faster in Rest Mode because the console can dedicate all of its resources to downloading the game. This is also easy for you to test yourself!

This is different from when the console is turned on and running games, as it has to share resources between gaming and downloading.

4 Reasons Why You Should Download Games in Rest Mode

There are several reasons why you should download your video games in Rest Mode, as opposed to when the console is turned on and running.

1. The console can dedicate more resources to downloading the game.

When your PS console is in Rest Mode, it can use all of its available resources to download the game. This is different from when the console is turned on and running games, as it has to share resources between gaming and downloading.

This means that if you have a slow internet connection, downloading games in Rest Mode will be much faster than if the console was turned on and trying to do both at the same time.

2. Downloading in Rest Mode is uninterrupted.

When your PS console is turned on and running games, any downloads will be interrupted every time you start playing a game or using another application.

This is because the console needs to allocate resources to the game or application that you're using.

However, when your PS console is in Rest Mode, it can download games without interruption. This is because the console doesn't need to allocate resources to anything else while it's in Rest Mode.

As a result, downloads will be much faster and won't be interrupted by gaming or other activities.

3. You can set your PS console to download games overnight.

If you have a slow internet connection, you can take advantage of the fact that most people are asleep at night by setting your PS console to download games overnight. This way, the console can use all of its available resources to download the game without interruption.

Overnight downloads will be much faster than if you tried to download during the day, when there are more people using the internet and competing for bandwidth.

In addition, many people find it convenient to wake up to a freshly-downloaded game, ready to play.

4. Rest Mode can save power.

In addition to being faster, downloading in Rest Mode can also save you money on your energy bill. This is because the console uses less power when it's in Rest Mode than when it's turned on and running games.

As a result, you'll be able to save money on your energy bill by downloading games in Rest Mode.

Plus, if you're worried about the environment, rest assured that you're also doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint.

All in all, there are several reasons why you should download games in Rest Mode. The console can dedicate more resources to downloading the game, downloads are uninterrupted, and you can set your PS console to download games overnight.

In addition, Rest Mode can save power. So if you're looking for the fastest and most efficient way to download games, be sure to take advantage of Rest Mode.

Why Won't Playstation Update in Rest Mode? (10 Possible Causes)

There could be several reasons your PlayStation won't update in Rest Mode.

1. The most common reason is that you are not a PlayStation Plus member. Unfortunately, as of 2022, this feature to download updates in rest mode is premium feature.

2. The next two most common reasons are that you have not allowed the console to connect to the internet in Rest Mode or your console is not your primary device.

3. You may not have enabled automatic downloads in Rest mode. To do that:

  1. Press the PS button on your controller to open up the quick menu
  2. Now go to Power-> Enter Rest Mode
  3. Now go to Settings and scroll til you reach Power Saving Settings
  4. In there, go to "Set Features Available in Rest Mode"
  5. Make sure "Stay Connected to the Internet is On"
  6. Now go back to your "Settings" and go to System and from there you'll see an option for Automatic Downloads.
  7. In there, make sure you have "System Software Update Files" is checked. Also have "Allow Restart" is checked and "Application Update Files is checked".

4. Console's firmware is out of date. To fix this, you will need to update the console's firmware.

  1. Try restarting your router. This will often fix any connection issues and allow updates to go through in Rest Mode.

5. One possibility is that the PSN (Playstation Network) is down and not working properly. Here, you'll need to wait until PSN is back up and running before you can update your PlayStation.

6. Another possibility is that there's a problem with your internet connection. If your internet connection is slow or intermittent, it could cause problems with the updating process.

7. Finally, it's also possible that there are updates available for other devices on your network, such as a PlayStation VR.

If this is the case, you'll need to update those devices or disconnect them from the console before you can update your PlayStation. For example, it may also help if you unplug the HDMI from the PSVR and plug it directly into your TV.

Also, if you have a wireless connection, try using a wired connection. This will often improve the speed and reliability of the connection.

8. Most of the time, PlayStation will not automatically upgrade older games and limit auto updates to your most recent games. This may also happen if the game you wanted to auto update is not on the home page even though it is technically "New".

9. PlayStation checks for updates just once in 24 hours, so it might be the case that you turned on your PlayStation after the check had been done.

10. It's also worth noting that some games will not update in Rest Mode. In general, this is because the game developers have not allowed their games to be updated in Rest Mode.

If you're still having trouble, it's recommended that you try resetting your PlayStation to factory settings or reaching out to PlayStation support.

How Long Can PlayStation Stay in Rest Mode?

If you're like expert gamers, you probably have your PlayStation in rest mode more often than not. But how long can it stay in this power-saving state?

Turns out, there's no definitive answer.

The most important consideration is heat. Your console needs proper ventilation to avoid overheating, and that's more important than how long it can stay in rest mode.

So as long as your PlayStation is in a well-ventilated spot, you can leave it in rest mode for a long time. Just be sure to check on it from time to time to make sure everything is still running smoothly.

The playstation is designed to turn off if it overheats, so as long as you have good ventilation, you should be fine.

It is a best practice to completely turn off your PlayStation at least once a day. This will help keep the system's fans clean and clear of dust buildup, which can lead to overheating issues.

Is It Okay To Leave ON Overnight?

Yes, it is.

In fact, some expert gamers recommend leaving your PlayStation in rest mode overnight so that it can apply updates and DLC while you sleep.

Just be sure to check on it every now and then to make sure everything is still running smoothly.

Also as mentioned above, make sure your console is in a well-ventilated area so it can avoid being over heated.

Final Thoughts

Overall, rest mode on the PlayStation has a lot of benefits that expert gamers can take advantage of.

From faster downloads to the ability to charge the controller, it's a great way to keep your gaming experience running smoothly.

So if you're looking for a way to improve your gaming efficiency, be sure to give rest mode a try!

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